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With Qadri out, Imran's sit-in will also die down: PM Nawaz

28 October, 2014

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ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Monday said the sit-in of a political party, PTI, in Islamabad would ultimately fizzle out, and the country, with the government's efforts, would continue to make progress.

Talking to media persons after inaugurating the International Investment Conference here, the prime minister said those following the "immature politics" of sit-ins should realise that the country at present was facing several challenges of national importance. "Let the government fulfil its efforts to overcome the challenges of poverty, terrorism and unemployment. Sit-ins will not deter the government's commitment to serve the masses," he said.

He said that already another political party, Pakistan Awami Tehreek, had left the scene of sit-in. The prime minister said the protesting politicians must think about their actions "that were causing a great damage to the country and were pushing it to a decline". He mentioned the postponement of the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping due to the sit-ins in the capital. "Had there been mature politics in Pakistan, our great friend would not have postponed his visit," he said.

Nawaz said the success of the country's euro bonds that fetched around $2 billion. He said the rupee had gained strength against the dollar and there was no scandal regarding the government's performance. Earlier, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that there were opportunities for investors in Pakistan and termed the country a place for long-term investments. The premier was addressing a two-day investment conference titled "Invest Pakistan: priority sectors and legal framework for investment in the country" in Islamabad.

Nawaz said there were numerous power projects in the pipeline which he hoped would soon overcome demand. "We plan on privatising the power distribution network which will make investment in the power sector appear very attractive," he said. The premier admitted that Pakistan had been slow in adapting to the fast changing global economic developments and said it was not catching up rapidly. He said the government was fully resolved to improve the lot of Pakistanis through massive capital infusion.

"We offer prospects of co-production, joint ventures with local partners and joint marketing arrangements. The taxation regime is one of the lowest in the region and its collection is undertaken through very well oiled dedicated large taxpayers units."

Prime Minister Nawaz said a multiplicity of tax concessions were available along with provisions of tax exemptions to specific businesses. "We also provide exclusive economic zones and infrastructure subsidies as well as research and development support," he told the gathering of investors that was also attended by Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Asif, Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rashid, diplomats and a large number of foreign investors.

The prime minister welcomed the investors to Islamabad at the conference, which was organised by the Board of Investment and hoped that such gatherings would continue to become more frequent. He said the conference intends to build upon the economic initiatives taken by the government over the last 15 months.

He said the event would also provide an opportunity to discuss the excellent avenues open for investment in Pakistan. "It will also apprise you of the roadmap my government has laid down for further expanding economic opportunities available in Pakistan through structural change and institutional reorientation."


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