Punjabi Taliban 'quit' terror, urge other groups to follow
15 September, 2014
PESHAWAR: The banned terrorist outfit Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Punjab chapter, widely known as the Punjabi Taliban, on Saturday announced to renounce terrorism in Pakistan.
However, top Punjabi terrorist Asmatullah Muawiya maintained that his group would fight against foreign troops in Afghanistan. He announced to surrender himself to the Pakistan Army along with his terrorist fellows. The faction took this decision due to growing conflicts with TTP supremo Mullah Fazlullah, who was said to be behind extortion, kidnappings for ransom and killing of innocent people.
Muawia said that Fazlullah was involved in the activities, which clash with the teachings of Islam. He vowed to continue with preaching and help out the people in flood-hit areas of the country after surrendering himself. He said he decided to quit terrorism and to surrender along with his accomplices after consultation with clerics and tribal elders. He also urged other Taliban terrorists to quit their activities and resort to talks.
Meanwhile, analysts have welcomed the announcement and have said this would further weaken the banned terrorist outfit TTP, which has already lost much of its influence due to the ongoing Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan Agency. In the past, the Punjabi Taliban had always opposed talks with the government.