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PM Shaukat for increasing productivity of knitwear industry

02 May, 2007

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz presides over a high level meeting to review the performance of Knitwer Industry in Islamabad. Federal Minister
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ISLAMABAD: Underlining the potential of knitwear industry for value addition, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has emphasized the need for end-to-end skills training to increase productivity of the sector and increase exports.

The Prime Minister was chairing a meeting here today to review the performance of knitwear industry.

The Prime Minister said it is gratifying to note that the export of knitwear has started showing upward trend. However, there is a need to review the entire chain from production to marketing to get unit price up to leverage the true export potential of the country in the knitwear sector.

The Prime Minister said textiles are the key industry and core business o f the country. Pakistan, the Prime Minister added, has a competitive advantage, which should be leveraged to increase production and exports.

The Prime Minister said R&D support to various parts of the textile indus try helped to increase the viability and productivity of the knitwear industry.

The Prime Minister said that the government is setting up garment cities in Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad. In addition, a textile city in Karachi is also being planned by the government to provide better facilities and necessary infrastructure to the textile sector. These cities, the Prime Minister said, will promote export of value added garments and help the sector to grow and modernise itself.

The Secretary Ministry of Textile Industry in his presentation highlighted the opportunities and challenges faced by the sector.

He said there are approximately 700 units with 21000 knitting machines in the country producing 350 million pieces of knitwear. The sector is 90% export orientated, he added.

Identifying the challenges, Secretary Textiles said Pakistani knitwear industry is making efforts to export high value added products to the world in order to align its exports performance with regional competitors.

The meeting was attended among others by Minister for Commerce Mr. Humayun Akhtar Khan, Minister for Textile Industry Mr. Mushtaq Ali Cheema, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance Dr. Salman Shah, Chief Executive TDAP Mr. Tariq Ikram, Governor State Bank of Pakistan Dr. Shamshad Akhtar,Chairman CBR and senior officials.


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