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No one should interpret Islam of one`s own will: Musharraf

24 October, 2007

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SKARDU: President General Pervez Musharraf on Wednesday said that no one should make interpretation of Islam according to one’s own will.

“No one should interpret Islam according to one’s own will. I am opposed to terrorism, therefore people consider me  a weak Muslim despite the fact that door to Holy Kaaba was opened for seven times for me”, he said this while addressing inauguration ceremony of first hydro power project  and later replying to questions from members of legislative council here Wednesday.

He held the past government could not carry out development work in backward areas as per their plan  owing to   resources constraints. The present government was not facing any resources crunch but the major problem of today is proper utilization of funds. “ I am happy  that first power house of Satpara dam is  being inaugurated. Three more power houses will be built alongside this dam in coming year and overall 17 megawatt electricity will be produced”, he added.

He pointed out gas was being imported from Iran to overcome shortage of gas. Arrangements have been made to import Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). But the water is the cheapest mode for generating electricity. Nature has bestowed Baltistan with water resources. Therefore, we are focusing to generate maximum electricity from here, he told.

“I am transferring financial and administrative powers from Islamabad to your elected representatives to ensure devolution of powers at grass root level”, he announced adding Deputy Chief Executive of Northern areas will be chief executive from now onward and all the powers will rest with him. Northern areas council is being given the status of legislative assembly.

He indicated all the  52 demands of Northern areas  had been accepted.

Acquiring powers is easy but its use is very difficult, he said adding “ I hope members of legislative council  will use their powers in the interest of people”.

Tourism sector will be developed in the areas of Shaggar and Shangrila, he maintained. He urged the people to maintain law and order situation.

Replying to a question from Wazir Walayat, member of legislative council, president Musharraf said Shatoong Nullah project will be included in Satpara dam project  in line with people aspirations. Korakorum university campus will be set up in Skardu.

Earlier minister for Kashmir affairs and chief executive Northern Areas said president general Pervez Musharraf had evolved power vision adding 16000 megawatt electricity will be generated by 2016.

Speaking on the occasion chairman Wapda, Shakeel Durrani said completion of Satpara dam will help develop agriculture sector in this area.

Meanwhile President Musharraf has said due to operational readiness, high standard of training and morale of our troops, the defence of our country has become impregnable. Our strong Armed Forces equipped with latest conventional and non-conventional weapons are a guarantee for peace.

President General Pervez Musharraf stated this on Wednesday while addressing to the troops at Skardu.

In his address, the President stressed upon officers and men for carrying out intensive peace time training so that operational preparedness can be enhanced. He said that Pakistan Army has an international reputation, being one of the most professional, dedicated and top quality Army of the world and it is our duty to not only maintain this reputation but also to further enhance it. The President also spoke of various measures being taken for the welfare of officers and men of Armed Forces.

The President further said that although peace and stability of our country is ensured through our Armed Forces, but economic stability also plays a pivotal role for progress and prosperity of the nation. By the grace of Allah Almighty, now we are a nation with strong economy and we are moving ahead.  While emphasizing on the need of a strong economy, the President said that the present Government is taking bold initiatives for the development of masses and only because of these initiatives, the foreign exchange reserves have touched an unprecedented high. The President said that benefits of economic prosperity are reaching the common man and because of this the level of unemployment has been brought down by 10- percent. Due to this economic improvement, life of the under privileged has become far better and they have access to all basic  amenities.

While talking about internal security the President said that the real threat to stability of Pakistan is internal and a handful of extremists are out to disrupt the law and order. The President said the only solution to this problem was to reject forces that fanned hatred, led to sectarian strife and involved extremist forces. The President said that in an Islamic society there is no place for obscurantist elements that are trying to polarize the society by creating divisions or imposing their own will. The President said that our security forces along with the entire nation are fighting out this menace. The President expressed that the nation will rise to the occasion and urged it to consolidate itself internally and follow the slogan, "Pakistan First".

The President while appreciating the role of Armed Forces during October 8 earthquake said that we have received appreciation from all over the world for bravely fighting this calamity. "The way Pakistan fought against this natural calamity is being quoted as a role model in the entire world".

Lieutenant General Mohsin Kamal, Corps Commander and Major General Muzammil Hussain, Commander FCNA were also present at this occasion.

Reader Comments:

The Truth

A very authentic and a very scary hadith states "If your activities are incompatible to what the Koran preaches, The Holy Koran angrily curses you back when you read it or recite it".
O Allah, Dawn upon the ignorants the basic wisdom to interprete the Holy Koran as effectively as it was interpreted by the Great Muhammad.

Sadat, Pakistan - 25 October, 2007

Riba Property Islamic Banking and sacrificing benefits of Islamic and compatible rules cannot be in

The illicit acquisition of wealth from oil fields to none payment property taxes business tax sales tax GST PST to personal labour torture amid denial of benefits to family or members of community .If recreation is being done by by passing Islam into new format (parallel to Islam) is in fact if calling it new Islamic or new qurantic item via new human fatwaic is Like benefits of owner is being eaten away (in new rules of Islam) in new format.Then they are forced creating bill of democracy in downgrading Islam .This will eventually distort Islam into new modern Islam new Modern Liberation modern thing alternative to so called own interpreted none Quranic (which is not authentic ).This is future alternative to Quran as modern Islam Modern democracy Hadith(bill of democracy). Several area seem to me being called as Islamic after being modified by impurity of Islam i.e. Islamic Banking and Microfinance alternative to Islamic funding . If these human made Islamic rules allowed to go into new direction they should not be called Islamic Quranic Hadithic fatwaic (as superior democratic) .In Islam pure is pure and impure is impure.In between is impure no matter who interprets it who design it as superior than Islamic methodology.

You cannot interpret religion to suit your design and convert it making it own concept and calling it Islamic.Islamic is Islamic None Islamic or modified item is none Islamic.Looking into pious people of today literate people of today following religion a bit from here and a bit from there as actors of piosness .They have created Islamic banking or freedom for women or abolishing restriction to women (based upon ficticious bab bad none Quranic rule).This is like interpreting Riba Loan sharking or what have you in hotch potch verses of own .This is being forced side by side.Stealing entire benefits of rule of benefit amid curse of Riba ignoring curse of squeeze of investers could be is as much anti Islamic as promoting them as superior personal financing or superior small loan glorifying it as above Islamic fund and charity. Islamic Methodology Is not good for Modern Muslim is sure glorifying monkey Brain democracy who have induced impure material past few hundred years by insulting Islam .They call Sufism or cult as Quranic. The modern promoter with wishy washy Ulemas (dime a dozen) seem to be glorifying microfinance and bill of democracy. In downgrading Islam and upgrading rules of democracy these investment finance guru in fact is recreating Islam of their own or religion of their Own in the name of Religion .In fact they are transferring Islamic method to others and adopting theirs as own as impurity.who are these idiots who is downgrading Islam as recreator and calling it Islamic?

Zakaria _Bilal, Canada - 26 October, 2007

Interpewtation of Qur'an.

The basics of Islam comprise the Qur'an. There are myriads of translations by individuals, who have made same mistake in the context of a famous verse: "Laisa lilinsan-e-illa ma sa'a". (Insan will get only what he has earned). One remembers Zia ul Haq had quoted rhis verse with similar meaning. The right meaning is that "Insan will get in the hereafter (on the day of judgment) what he had sought for. Qur'an dwells on three basics: Tauheed (Oneness of God); Risalat (Prophets) and Aakhirat. The life of this world is compared in the Qur'an at numerous places as of a day or even less - "aik din ya us say bhi kum." or a few hours of a day. Far more stress has been laid on seeking to do good for hereafter. Its length has been described at one place as fifty thousand years. Here, too many exertions are made on rituals and too little on "Haqooq-ul-Ibad." - Rights of people on each other. It is agreed on by many a Mufassirin that God can and might forgive "Haqooq ullah" because He is the most forgiving and forbearing. But it is the 'Haqooq-ul-Ibad" that forms the backbone of society. There are criminal violations of peoples' rights on each other. For instance, "Wirasat" - descendants. Very few, if any, follows the Qur'anic injunctions. Traders and vendors are openly cheating on weight and measurements as well as on black-marketing. Parents are ignored and their rights misused. Women are not given their rights, especially in in heritage and money matters. And last but not least is "Zakat". People in Government devour it as reported often in media. It is in this sphere that Islam shines its best light. Giving of Sadacats alleviate poverty. Spending in the cause of Islam multiplies the amount of money 700 times or 70,000 per cent. This formula alone can create affluence in society. Ignorance in this context is the cause of disgrace (Nahoosat) in society. A Rupee can be spent even by a beggar and get a balance in his account of Rs.700. Beggars can eradicate poverty by "do it yourself" method. Rs.10/- can swell to Rs,7,000 and Rs.1000/- into Rs.700,000/-. "Haqooq ul Ibad" are easy and attached with great impetus.

Sher Mohammas, Pakistan - 26 October, 2007

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