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National curriculum contains no content fanning hatred against any religion: Javed Ashraf Qazi

20 August, 2005

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ISLAMABAD, August 21 (Online): Federal Minister for Education, Lt Gen Retd Javed Ashraf Qazi has categorically stated that there were no contents in the national curriculum of the country which fanned hatred against any religion.

He said while talking to media men at his office here on Saturday.

Commenting on the alleged statement made by US state department 's spokesperson Javed Ashraf Qazi said that there were no contents in the national curriculum of the country which fan hatred against any religion.

The minister said that some sentences of the derogatory nature were pointed out in the past in some textbooks, which the federal education ministry also considered wrong.

"The concerned provincial textbook board was asked to delete it", he said.

He added that the entire curriculum was under review to make it modern and progressive yet keeping the Islamic content intact.

The minister for education further said that Islam believes in respect for rights of the minorities and other religions and maintained that the issue was brought up during his visit to USA and he had promised to look into if any concrete reference was produced.


Reader Comments:

Take care of your home!!!

One wonders where did Americans learn their lessons of hatred and intolerance which they have been demonstrating and applying for the last two hundred years?

Some of the major proofs of these outstanding lessons are produced below:

They carried out genocide of native Americans (whom they call red-Indians and thus even depriving them of their original identities) in millions.

The annihilation of around two hundred thousand innocent civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during the Second World War by dropping two atomic bombs.

The massacres of innocent people at the hands of American troops and the ecological destruction by the poison called “agent orange” in Vietnam are still fresh in the global memories, especially among the younger generations throughout the world.

The American backed invasions and military revolts around the world where hundreds and thousands of innocent people lost their lives and the right to choose their respective
governments, unfortunately Pakistan is one of them where American backed conspiracy debased the democratically elected government in July 1977 and the echoes of this revolt produced the possibilities for the present day so-called International terrorism.

The recent military invasions against the sovereign countries like Iraq and Afghanistan where again hundreds and thousands of innocent people have lost, still loosing, their lives, properties show the very phenomena of “hatred” & “intolerance” the Americans have learnt and reserved for their own consumption as a tool for their international politics but unfortunately rather ironically they are cutting the same branch where they are sitting…!

So advising others to change their curriculum & ways would not help cure the insanity at home Mr USA…!

Per ab

Per ab, Svalbard And Jan Mayen - 21 August, 2005

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