How to Get Rid of Your Weed Headache
01 October, 2019
If you are a weed consumer, then you must always experience a headache when it gets a bit high. However, it is not something that cannot be cured; there are many ways through which you can overcome weed headache.
Well, it is essential to know what you have to do when you get high cannabis. First of all, feeling too high is not good at all, whether it is due to smoking or eating edibles. However, there is no such way that can normalize you, but there are a few tips that can help you to lower the effects.
Hydrate your body
If you are facing a headache after consumption of weed, then drinking a lot of water can be helpful as it will help to flush your stomach. Also, orange juice is a great help to reduce headaches.
However, do not drink because it can cause you hyponatremia; this condition occurs due to the low sodium in the blood. If you get hyponatremia, then you will face the following symptoms. For example, seizures, headaches, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, muscle weakness, fatigue, or also you can end up in a coma.
Consume CBD
CBD can control high THC. To further explain this, CBD will help to block the THC to reach your brain receptors and decrease its effects.
However, if you are living in a state where Cannabis consumption is uncommon, then you can order CBD oil. The oil has the same effects as Marijuana CBD.
Take a cold shower
Weed headache can be quickly cured by a cold shower or a bath. If you are not in a state where you can take a shower or bath, then just put some cold water on your head and face, it will make you feel a lot better by dropping your heart rate and body temperature.
Exercise can help to release endorphins (chemical helps to relieve stress and pain) in the brain and end the weed headache. Endorphin is also known as a feel-good chemical because of its pain-relieving nature. It also works similar to a drug called opioids, which is also a pain reliever.
Therefore, you must exercise to relieve headache.
Take a nap
Thirty minutes nap can be high medication for quickly relieving your weed headache. So, find some comfortable place and get a short rest. Also, remember that don’t take a long nap because it can make you feel wobblier.
Eating food can be an excellent help to reduce weed headache. However, there is no scientific research on how it helps to reduce headache, but some studies suggest that eating food increases the flow of blood which helps to drop the THC. Therefore, try eating some food when getting a headache next time.
Black pepper
Black pepper is helpful in so many ways. For example, weed headache, anxiety, or paranoia. Therefore, have some black pepper to get quick relief from your weed headache.
The above-mentioned are some effective ways to get relief from weed headache, therefore, if the next time you feel headache, then do not forget to apply one of them.