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Comedian Jim Carrey to publish children's book

31 May, 2013

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NEW YORK: Actor and comedian Jim Carrey will publish a children's book, "How Roland Rolls," in September, his publisher said on Thursday.

Sabrina McCarthy, the president of Perseus Distribution Client Services, described Carrey, known for his zany characters and comedy routines, as the perfect person to write a children's book.

"He is such a vibrant, dynamic actor who brings amazingly vivid characters to life, and I think children will respond to the energy and enthusiasm he has brought to 'How Roland Rolls,'" she said in a statement.

The illustrated book, about a wave named Roland, is Carrey's first. The actor has won two Golden Globe awards as Best Actor for his performances in the 1999 film "Man on the Moon" and the 1998 film "The Truman Show."

He appeared earlier this year in the film "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone," with fellow comedic actor Steve Carell.

Perseus Distribution is a member of the Perseus Books Group.


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