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Baig urges Big powers to help settle international disputes

20 May, 2005

Former army chief General (Retd) Aslam Baig urges Big powers to help settle international disputes.
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ISLAMABAD, May 21 (Online): Former army chief General (Retd) Aslam Baig has said that big powers should explore ways to resolve outstanding problems confronting the world, however ignoring the resistance movements in the Muslim world will pose serious threats to the world states.

The United States is striving to dominate and exceed the whole world with support of its military and economic might setting aside the way to tackle problems through negotiations, Aslam Baig expressed these views at a seminar held here Friday.

Outlining comparison between peaceful co-existence and aggressive policy, he noted that US was pursuing aggressive policy based on barbarity and show of power and mass killings in Afghanistan and Iraq were example of it while on the other hand China was emerging as sole world superpower with peaceful co-existence with its neighbours as well as world states.

The resistance movements initiated in the Muslim states could not be undermined and these forces had compelled former Soviet Union to withdraw from war ravaged Afghanistan and these resistance forces had now waged struggle against the US and if these resistance forces role was ignored it would leave negative impact on the world states, he observed.

He underscored that the US had wanted to entangle India into regional minor problems so as to minimize its global role that's why the Indian leadership should come forward and play its due role for international peace.


Reader Comments:

Big Powers and int'l Disputes Outlined

WMD invasion was Saddam Oil dispute or greed or conspiracy to defraud Iraqis and Islam. Now Greed for Iran oil amid Mandatory Mother I worship Thee is new int’l dispute.This is brewing with Safety of
Entire region of Iran Turkey Afghanistan Pakistan.Safety have been threatened via Kurd RSS sectarian Nato violence. Amid Iran Nuke Power Plant as WMD is int’ldispute . Iran invasion plan via Nuke dropping at point blank range Is int’l dispute with real apocalypse is on way. One of the sign is “every few minute’s road side bombing killing 40 civilian here 60 there 10 elsewhere.with buildings and civilization flattened. This makes .within a day hundreds of civilian death.At this rate hundreds of million will be killed by
NATO allied army who use Terrorists as excuse of int’l dispute. During UN 1991-2012 millions have
Evaporated by smugglers of dynamite bomb chemical liquid bomb mini bomb by Int’l NATO allied
Military aircraft used for smuggling ammunition in and hiv free blood body parts smuggling out.
Imagine sectarian violence NATO army as smugglers who simply brings in Terror bombs to reduce OIC population .This is Intl dispute. If you Imagine daily road side bomb daily explosion daily deaths as
Int’l dispute builders in past 10 yrs (3650 days road side death)Int’l dispute build up have compounded with Kashmir wars Gulf war Iran Iraq war, sectarian int’l dispute massacrein asia in Africa in Yugoslavia in Chechnya in gujrat via int’l dispute porters sectarian violence army called collateral bombers
collateral flatteners Of buildings, wreck a life wreck progress wreck bridges wreck civilization .These
are big powers creation of int’l dispute. This is major int’l issue to be resolved. In pursuit to create
Creation Quran challenges these powers “be individually or as big power experts none can create a surah with all its Meaning and tafseer interpretation sunah and hudood implication”. Big powers if caught with daily Smuggling of dynamites for road side bombers will prevent many deaths and int’l dispute. Big Power leaders and small Power leaders within UN or Umbrella organization to resolve dispute.They fight daily their own sectarian Wars of religion.Iran Nuke power Plant is big powers’ Int’l dispute.

Z M Belal, Hungary - 29 August, 2006

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