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Army Promotions... By Col.(r) Riaz

23 September, 2014

The promotion of six Major Generals to the next higher rank on the retirement of five Lieutenant Generals on their reaching the age of superannuation, which is just a routine matter in the army has created a furore in the media especially the electronic media to the degree where most news analysts and anchors feel obliged to cast their pearls of wisdom through their ignorant and pardon my saying stupid comments on this matter.

Of all the promotions the appointment of the DGISI is the one being discussed the most and in that, some of the whiz kids are unwittingly projecting the perception that the COAS has appointed him on his own and that the PM had to concede to it.

Firstly it can't be so because the DGISI has to report to the PM and as such has to have his (PM's) approval to be appointed so. Secondly, promotions to such higher ranks are subject to the cabinet approval where the PM has all the say. Such open discussions on TV and that too by not so ! knowledgeable ones do more harm than good and create disharmony between the civil and the military which must at all costs the avoided.

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

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