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Usman Khalid

PakTribune Columnist

Recent Articles

Altaf Hussain: Reading Beyond Lines Usman Khalid
Raymond Davis: Ignorance of US system Usman Khalid

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Nader Junaid

United Kingdom

06 April, 2011

Pakistan Parliment

Pakistan Parliment of any political party is Rightfully Said is "Mafia Rule", and Pakistani Voters facilitate such an irony because of grass root greed, lack of self discipine, lack of Faith and what not, but all believe themselves to be Hollier than Thou "Momins".

dv sikka

United Kingdom

08 April, 2011


Why not admit that whether it is present India or Pakistan, the life of common man was better in the British days. With time both countries have converted azadi into barbadi.

Khalid Rahim


09 April, 2011

Skunks vs Weasels

In this great game between the Skunks and the Weasels.I wonder who gets sprayed and who gets bitten?Raymond Davis shooting two people in broad day light and his partner who over ran another person, both were supposed to create such a havoc that the Consulate in Lahore, Karachi,Peshawar were meant to be attacked.The idea was to raise the emotions to such an intent that students and lawyers should have tried to take over the embassy. To WashingtonDC's dismay,it did not happen.So instead of being humble they became more aggressive.GWB went to Yale and Obama to Havard.They both were placed in power by the Neocons who themselves are the product of zionism,who also created Al Qaida to invoke terrorism, necessary for implementation of the New World Order.

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