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Dr Shahid Qureshi

PakTribune Columnist

Dr Shahid Qureshi is senior award wining investigative journalist and writer on security, foreign policy, and terrorism based in London

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Pakistani Nuclear Program and Betrayal of Friends? Dr Shahid Qureshi

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United Kingdom

16 January, 2008

In the third paragraph writer said, "According to analysts what could happen if Pakistan is destabilised or attacked? (a) More than 15 separatist armed militant movements currently going on in India would reach its boiling point and disintegrate India?". How does India came into picture and also doesn't this point suggest it is in favor of india to stabilize pakistan. Then why does writer has so much venom against india. What did india do to deserve this? Sold nuclear arms as walmart, killed its bengali brothers in millions who later were forced to fight for independence, used terrorism as proxy (because winning a direct war is impossible) against India and world at large, didn't treated its citizens equally, religiously and regionally, never had a respect for democrarcy, executed its leaders, and as far as kashmir is concerned why pakistan is fighting for more if it can't handle what it already has. Mr. writer you seem to know how to read and write english, do some research on all these issues and start thinking clearly without believing what your IIIrd class master told when you were a kid. When talking about India think in perspective. I am sure anyways though that editors are not going to post this reply. Good Luck..!!!



16 January, 2008


United Arab Emirates

17 January, 2008

Pakistani Nuclear Program

It is lack of understanding that India is a part of any problem around as they are busy in raising their standard and growth all the time like Republic of China got no time to get involved in activities like US is doing. US is in domestic and international problems with their economy and fame. No one likes US, even EU members are running away and will have their forces pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan leaving US on its own. With the emerging markets and two big powers of Asia, China and India the Americans are more worried of their own existence and Dollar is going to be the history in few years time. Yuan is the strongest currency on this earth at the moment possibily followed by Indian Rupees. Giving an opinion in Paktribune on a topic does not mean that Pakistanis are against India but on the contrary they speak out what they think and must not be taken as true what they say. Some people like to blame others for they can't overcome. Its nice to note that Indians are worried about what happens in Pakistan but these small incidents do not change the speeds and directions of a country like Pakistan. A handfull of people can't change to worst. India and Pakistan are very close and are doing fine on international affairs and will not attack each other on the contrary they might have to confront together one enemy if time comes. United you can win and alone you fail. Pakistanis are with Indians though there are a few core issues which are keeping them apart but they will be addressed to gradually. One day both countries will help each other more being one RACE I.E. INDIANS.

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